We have successfully passed and defeated legislation in states, developed comprehensive multi-year strategies that have delayed adverse legislative and regulatory actions, coordinated complex multi-state legislative strategies between states and trade groups within highly scrutinized industries and triaged legislative strategies on an as needed basis for clients’ government affairs departments to help them add value to their respective companies and protect their bottom line.
After a decade of service to national trade associations, Fortune 500 companies, high-tech startups, non-profits and others we are most proud of the long lasting relationships we enjoy with many of our clients which serve as a testament to the work we do. We proudly offer up to any prospective client a full list of clients we have represented over the past decade. Our current and past clients are our biggest advocates.
Passage of daily fantasy sports legislation in one year of engagement
Defeated legislation banning the sale of credit card entry tickets
Passage of statewide (MO) ride-sharing legislation
Defeated legislation that sought to halt Tesla’s operations in Missouri
Secured record funding for capital projects